SKOLKOVO Women’s FORUM is an annual international business forum organized by the SKOLKOVOWomenClub at Skolkovo Technopark.

Main Theme: Technological Sovereignty of the Russian Federation and the Creative Economy. Over 700 female leaders and experts will discuss key trends in business development and leadership qualities of modern executives.

Every project and technology created today shapes the future of tomorrow!
Forum Goal: To popularize innovations and technologies in international women’s entrepreneurship.

Discussion Sessions: Participants will include deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, senators of the Federation Council, and representatives of federal state organizations. Specialized educational seminars will be held within the Forum, with diplomas awarded for advanced training.
  • Olga Uskova — "Innovator of the Year 2022"
  • Ivan Khudyakov — "GK Salut Orto" Social Project 2022
  • Ekaterina Bespyatykh — "Innovations in Online Education"
  • Zumrud Rizvanova — Breakthrough of the Year 2022 — Innovations in Education
  • Dmitry Panteleev — "Breakthrough of the Year in the E-Commerce Industry"
  • FRESH JEWELRY — "Best Innovative Production 2022"
  • Denis Werner — "Young Innovator 2022, Innovations in Education"
  • Tatyana Epifanova — "PRODEX" - Innovations in Medicine 2022
  • Nargiz Neumann-Zander — "Sustainable Development — Innovations in Online Education"
  • Yuri Styro — Special Nomination "Best Host 2022"
  • Olga Moroz — Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine "Olga Moroz" — Innovations in Cosmetology and Medicine
  • Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya — "Best Psychological Online Course on Relationship Building 2022"
  • Kristina Malomyzeva — "Charity 2022"
  • Sergey Panin — "Best SKOLKOVO WOMEN CLUB Mentor"
  • Alexey Yanushkevich — Service Sector "Best Restaurateur of the Republic of Belarus 2022"
  • Victoria Luchko — Media — "Odintsovo Information Center"
  • Maxim Temchenko — "Business Coach of the Year 2022"
  • Anna Nevidomskaya — LLC "MOSS-NAY" - Innovations in Construction
  • Andrey Valineev — For Contribution to the Development of "Socially Accessible Housing in the Russian Federation 2022"
  • Kristina Purpur — Media — Expert RF
  • CLUB 500 — "Business Club of the Year 2022"



The event brought together over 300 successful and vibrant women entrepreneurs from 5 countries and 25 regions of Russia to discuss technological trends and current challenges.
On Monday, September 12, the first International Women’s Forum, Skolkovo Women’s Forum, was held at Skolkovo Technopark.
Skolkovo Technopark welcomed autumn beautifully: On September 12, the First International Skolkovo Women’s Forum took place. Galina Bashkirova will share more details about the event.
  • Olga Melnikova
    Head of the Department of Non-Military Aspects of ICT Use, PhD in Political Science
  • Andrey Burgart
    Chairman of the Closed Business Club RRCC
  • Zhenya Kachalova
    Restaurateur, Founder and Owner of Bazar Family
  • Ekaterina Moroz
    Expert in Medical Innovations and the Aesthetic Industry
  • Olga Vlasenko
    Producer of OV Production
  • Tatyana Tsvetkova
    Co-founder of the Millennium Group of Companies
  • Dmitry Panteleev
    Founder and Owner of the Logistics Company VDELE-LOGISTICS
  • Saniyat Amirkhanova
    Founder and Chief Physician of the International Network of Laser Surgery Clinics "FleboSS"
  • Tatyana Epifanova
    Managing Owner of the Prodex Group of Companies
  • Maria Lapuk
    Co-founder of VINCI AGENCY, Co-founder of Vinci PR Agency
  • Diana Krupnik
    Director of Partnerships at Independent Media
  • Olga Tkachenko
    Deputy Director of Skolkovo Technopark
  • Lyubov Malyarevskaya
    CEO of Russian Media Group
  • Anna Russka
    Founder of ANNARUSSKA Group of Companies
  • Katya Guru
    Creator of the Global Best Life Club Project
  • Marina Karban
    Director of the FLOW Program at Skolkovo School of Management
  • Ekaterina Rybakova
    President of PRO Women Foundation
  • Olga Khodakovskaya
    Interregional Association of Women’s Business
  • Ksenia Sakunenko
    NEBANALNY Networking Community
  • Guli Bazarova
    Director of the Moscow School of Practical Psychology, Board Member of SKOLKOVO Women’s Association
  • Anna Chernigova
    Community of Psychologists
  • Zhanna Kazanskaya
    Women Wings Community
  • Yana Agarunova
    Community of Forum Group Moderators
  • Elena Bazhan
    President of the Association of Business Women, Leader of the Women’s Club "Atlants"
  • Polina Dibrova
    Owner of Polina Dibrova’s Women’s Club
  • Alla Markina
    President of the "Planet of Women" Foundation
  • Kamila Zarubina
    Director of Strategic Partnerships and Acceleration in Biomedicine at Skolkovo Foundation
  • Svetlana Zhurova
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
  • Elena Vtorygina
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
  • Elena Vyalbe
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Cross-Country Skiing Federation, Three-time Olympic Champion, Fourteen-time World Champion, Five-time World Cup Winner
  • Nadezhda Zhuravleva
    Head of the Presidential Programs Support Committee
  • Irina Korelskaya
    Psychologist, Founder of the National Strategic Online Forum "Family Council"
  • Maxim Temchenko
    Entrepreneur, Investor, Founder and President of "Millionaires Club"
  • Elena Epelyaum
    Head of DIAMOND KIDS Studio
  • Zumrud Rizvanova
    Entrepreneur, Founder of the Children’s Business School Heirs and the Women’s Support Center Izumrud. Best Business Coach in Russia 2021
  • Sergey Kolomiitsev
    Chairman of the Association of Traditional Handicrafts, Artisans, and Artists "Heritage and Traditions"
  • Olga Ivanova
  • Oksana Demyanenko
    Director of the International Gymnasium Skolkovo
  • Inna Shcherbakova
    Neurotracker, Author of the Brain Reboot System "Reality Restart"
  • Elena Shumilova
    Senator of the Russian Federation
*страница Skolkovo Women’s Forum 2024
*страница SKOLKOVOWomenClub