The International Women’s Business Forum SKOLKOVO WOMEN’S FORUM 2023 is one of the most significant events of the year. Over the years, the Forum has earned the status of a leading Russian platform for discussing key issues related to innovative technologies and their integration into businesses and startups, as well as exchanging best global practices, experiences of international experts, and competencies for business process reengineering and systematic company development.

  • Yulia Chernykh — "Innovator in Leadership Development"
  • Zhanna Abramova — "Best Business Placement Specialist of the Year"
  • Anzhelika Agurbash — "For Contribution to Public Activities"
  • Alexandra Odoyevskaya and Boris Mandabura — "Motivators of the Year"
  • Ksenia Pushkina — "Socially Significant Project in Preventive Medicine"
  • Daria Gordienko — "Innovative Approach in Financial Consulting"
  • Anna Green — "Innovator of the Year"
  • Olga Osipova — "Best HR Expert of 2023"
  • Sergey Khabarov — "For Contribution to the Innovative Development of the Online Fashion Industry"
  • Jean Milimerov — "Breakthrough of the Year"
  • Natalya Gulkina — "For Loyalty to the Profession"
  • Irina Ortman — "Star of the Year"
  • Anastasia Arkhangelskaya —  "Anria Research" — "Young Innovator of the Year"
  • Maria Osina — "Innovations in Mobile Application Development and Testing"
  • Anton Snitovets — "Innovations in Information Security"
  • Yuri Nikulin — "Best Innovative Startup in IT Technologies"
  • Sergey Vasyutkin — "Executive of the Year: Technologies and Innovations in the Mining Industry"
  • Maxim Kuznetsov, "Tenderplan" — "Best IT Solution: Innovations in Big Data and Business Analytics"
  • Azat Shaidullin — "Innovation of the Year in Business"
  • Andrey Sheverdin — "Technology of the Year"
  • Yuri Gusak — "IT Director of the Year" — "Innovations in Mobile Application Development and Testing"
  • Maria Terentyeva-Galitskikh — "Blogger of the Year"
  • Nadiya Cherkasova — "Leader of the Year"
  • Andrey Omyaliev — "Philanthropist of the Year"
  • Andrey Poduvaltsev — "Philanthropist of the Year"
  • Svetlana Zhurova
    First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    Russian Olympic Champion
  • Elena Shumilova
    Senator of the Russian Federation, representative of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the Komi Republic
    Russian journalist, TV presenter
  • Nadezhda Zhuravleva
    Head of the Committee for the Support of Presidential Programs, President of the "Power of the Fatherland" Foundation
  • Yulia Savinykh
    CEO of LLC "Inkom"
    Academician of MAIN
  • Alexey Sitnikov
    Vice President for Community Development and Communications at Skoltech
    Head of the Working Group on the Development of Young Professional Personnel of the Expert Council of ASI
    Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
  • Anna Turitsa
    Vice-Rector, Associate Professor at the Institute of Higher and Additional Professional Education of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Resuscitation and Rehabilitation
    Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • Maria Petrovskaya
    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Science at RSUST
    Expert of AKKORK IA AR (education quality agency)
  • Elena Kuznetsova
    Deputy Director of the MIPT Genomic Center
    Candidate of Medical Sciences
    Associate Professor at the National Research Institute of Public Health named after Semashko
  • Svetlana Kalinchenko
    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Endocrinologist, Sexologist, Urologist, Head of the Department of Endocrinology with a course of holistic medicine FNMO MI RUDN
    Academician of REA
  • Tatyana Mineeva
    Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights of Moscow under the Moscow Government
    Winner of the All-Russian competition "Leaders of Russia Politics"
    Chairperson of the Regional Branch of the "Women of Business" Association in Moscow
  • Nadiya Cherkasova
    Russian banker and public figure
    Chairperson of the Committee for the Development of Women’s Entrepreneurship of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "Opora Russia" ("Pillar of Russia")
  • Andrey Burgart
    Managing Partner of INDOOR TV, ex. Crocus Media (JSC "CROCUS INTERNATIONAL", now LLC "International Indoor Operator")
    Chairman and co-founder of the business club RRCC
  • Lina Abu-Mukp Zoabi
    Head of International Cooperation at the Skolkovo Foundation: International Business Services
  • Ekaterina Inozemtseva
    Co-founder of the "Russian Lakes" project
    Head of the "Women for the Development of Domestic Tourism" project
  • Elena Sharipova
    Head of the Skolkovo Startup School
  • Evgenia Shokhina
    President of the RSPP Business School
    Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Business Russia"
    Founder of the charity foundation "We Live"
    Candidate of Political Sciences
  • Valentina Pyleva
    Head of IT Governance
    Partner of the "Alliance of Women’s Leaders Communities"
    Producer of social films
  • Nikolay Nikolsky
    Vice President for Marketing and Public Communications at Cognitive Technologies
    Deputy General Director of Cognitive Pilot
  • Alexey Trashcheev
    Resident and mentor at Skolkovo, tracker and teacher at the Skolkovo Startup School
    IT entrepreneur, top manager
    AccelHYb Managing Partner
    ISDEF Board Member, leader and ambassador of the international community GoGlobalWorld
  • Yulianna Viner
    Founder of SUN&CITY beauty salon chain
    Trustee of the "Life as a Miracle" charity foundation
    Founder of the first Women’s Jewish Congress
  • Tata Lustas
    Recognized marketing expert
    Marketing and brand communications advisor at Kavaya Group

Video Materials from the 2023 Forum


On September 19, at Russia’s most technologically advanced venue, Skolkovo, an important event for women entrepreneurs took place — Skolkovo Women’s Forum 2023.
The International Women’s Business Forum SKOLKOVO WOMEN’S FORUM 2023 is one of the most significant events of the year. This forum has already established itself as a leading platform in Russia for discussing innovative technologies and their integration into business and startups.
On September 19, leaders of the entrepreneurial community from various regions of our country and the world gathered at the forum venue.
This forum has already established itself as a leading platform in Russia for discussing innovative technologies and their integration into business and startups.
Investments, innovative technologies, creative industries, international diplomacy and sustainable social development, modern leadership, and responsibility.
Photo Report
  • Irina Khakamada
    Business Coach, Writer, Publicist
  • Svetlana Zhurova
    First Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs,
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation,
    Olympic Champion of Russia
  • Elena Vtorygina
    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation;
    Deputy Chair of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women, and Children Affairs
  • Elena Shumilova
    Senator of the Russian Federation, Representative of the Legislative (Representative) Authority of the Komi Republic,
    Russian Journalist, TV Host
  • Lyudmila Tsoy
    Deputy Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development of Moscow
  • Yulia Savinykh
    Chair of the Organizing Committee of the SKOLKOVO Women’s FORUM and Competition,
    CEO of LLC "Inkom",
    Academician of the International Academy of Informatization and New Technologies (MAINT)
  • Anzhelika Agurbash
    Singer, Actress, Model, TV Host
    Founder of the "Anzhelika Agurbash Creative Development Center"
    Resident of Skolkovo Women Club
  • Natalya Gulkina
    Singer, Songwriter, TV Host
    Resident of Skolkovo Women Club
  • Anna Green
    Founder of Mayam Virtual Studio and Mayam Fashion Metaverse
    Virtual VIP Club for a Solidarity Audience
    Instructor of Metaverse Courses at HSE University
  • Alexey Sitnikov
    Vice President for Community Development and Communications at Skoltech
    Head of the "Development of Young Professional Personnel" Working Group of the ASI Expert Council
    Member of the Public Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
  • Tatyana Mineeva
    Russian Economist and Public Figure, PhD in Economics
    Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in Moscow
    Winner of the All-Russian Competition "Leaders of Russia. Politics"
    Chair of the Regional Branch of the "Women in Business" Association in Moscow
  • Guli Bazarova
    PhD in Psychology
    Director of the Moscow School of Practical Psychology at MIP
    Ambassador of the Skolkovo School of Management
  • Narine Budagova

    Founder of Global Women’s Service
    GR, CEO of External Relations and Innovations
    Executive Coach, Mentor
    PhD in Economics, Instructor at RANEPA and HSE
  • Oksana Demyanenko
    Director of the International Gymnasium Skolkovo
  • Tatyana Zakharova
    Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations at Skoltech
  • Alina Kovaleva
    Executive Coach PCC ICF, Mentor
    Co-founder of Skolkovo ESG Club
    Partner of Meet for Charity Project
    Co-founder of 50/50 Body & Mind Patriki Project
    Member of the Board of Trustees of the "Life as a Miracle" Charitable Foundation
  • Arina Ivanova
    Winner of All-Russian Hackathons and Case Championships (DS HACKATHON BCG GAMMA 2021, Changellenge Cup IT 2020)
    Winner of the "Student Startup" Grant Competition 2022 with her project automating media and game content testing analysis
    Co-founder and Coordinator of the Skoltech Triple Point Program (since 2021)
  • Andrey Shket
    Director of the Skoltech Endowment Fund
  • Kamila Zarubina
    Director of the Biological and Medical Technologies Cluster, Skolkovo Foundation
  • Nadiya Cherkasova
    Vice President of the All-Russian Public Organization for Small and Medium Entrepreneurship "Pillar of Russia", Leader of the Women’s Entrepreneurs Community, Owner of the Crowdfunding Platform Boomstarter
  • Angelina Popova
    Chairperson of IROO "In Defense of Law"
    Founder and Leader of the Alliance of Women’s Community Leaders
    Founder of the Expert Council of the Russian Federation
  • Evgeniya Shokhina
    President of the RSPP Business School
    Editor-in-Chief of "Business Russia" Magazine
    Founder of the "We Live" Charitable Foundation
    PhD in Political Science
  • Nadezhda Maleshko
    Marketing and sales expert with 20 years of experience in large companies
    Commercial Director of Tion Holding Company
    Creator of Additional Education Projects for Adults and Teenagers
  • Ekaterina Inozemtseva
    Co-founder of the "Russian Lakes" Project
    Head of the "Women for the Development of Domestic Tourism" Project
  • Yuliana Viner
    Founder of SUN&CITY Beauty Salons Network
    Trustee of the "Life as a Miracle" Charitable Foundation
    Founder of the First Women’s Jewish Congress
  • Kira Dolgova
    Founder and CEO of the International Network of Clinics "Laser Love"
    Mentor, Coach, Philanthropist
    International Expert Practitioner
    Business Speaker for LOREAL
  • Natalia Maksimova
    Entrepreneur, Investor
    Expert in Transformational Psychology and Coaching
    Founder of the Family Beauty Centers Network "Bahamas for Mamas"
    Founder of the Cafe and Restaurant Chain "Eat me"
  • Olga Ivanova
    Head of the Entrepreneurial Community "Club of Leaders"
  • Ekaterina Rybakova
    Co-founder and Chair of the Rybakov Foundation
    Ideologist of the PRO Women Community
  • Renata George
    Managing Partner of the Venture Platform IZBA
  • Roman Galaktionov
    Entrepreneur and Investor, Public Figure
  • Lika Levitan
    Business Trainer on Sales Public Speaking, SOFT SKILLS
    Certified Business Trainer, Coach for Executives, Experts, and Top Teams, Speaker at Major Russian and International Conferences
  • Natalia Petlyakova
    General Producer of SUPERMAMA Magazine
    Founder of Super Mama Club
  • Irina Korelskaya
    Clinical Psychologist
    Personal Efficiency Coach
    Creator of Projects for Elegant Leaders
    Founder of the Lecture Hall for Conscious Parents
  • Maria Terentyeva-Galitskikh
    Chair of the National Association of Bloggers
    Content Technologies Author
    Specialist in Creating Professional Communities
  • Ekaterina Velichkina
    CEO and Co-founder of RE
    Ambassador of the "Mom in Business" Project of the Department of Entrepreneurship of Moscow and the Moscow Region
  • Alexandra Odoyevskaya
    Head of the "Center for Social Innovations and Adaptation", Model, Social Activist
    Founder and Instructor of the Social Dance School — CyberTANGO
  • Tatyana Gevorkyan
    Media Trainer, Expert in Speech Communications,
    TV Host, Journalist
  • Natalia Kalyonova
    Producer and Director of the OLYMP Film Studio
    Director and Screenwriter of the SkolkovoWomenClub Social Project "Resilient Women"
  • Natalia Borodina
    Beauty Psychologist
    Image Consultant specializing in helping people in difficult life situations
  • Leonid Ovrutsky
    Composer, Producer, Lead Singer of the Band "KVATRO"
  • Marina Abramova
    President of the ANO "Creative Economy", Director of the "Russian Creative Week" Forum
  • Tatyana Suslova
    B1 Group of Companies Business Academy Director
  • Olga Maslova
    Entrepreneur, Founder of the Brand "Creating Yourself", Psychologist
    Specialist in Natural Health and Rejuvenation
  • Natalia Dubinnikova
    Founder and CEO of the HR Ecosystem Favourite Partners
    Executive Coach, Mentor for Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Career Development Experts
  • Igor Dubinnikov
    Founder of the Ecosystem of Creators x兀 (XP) and the Human Capital Investment Fund AAA TRUST, Creative Cluster "Potok" Kursk, Managing Director of the KEAZ Group
  • Diallo Hava
    Country: Republic of Guinea, Second-year PhD Student in Political Science at the Russian University of People’s Friendship
    Former President of the Association of African Students RUDN, Member of the Guinea Republic Diaspora in Russia
  • Nurun Nahar
    President of the "Eastern Alliance" Association
  • Ksenia Pushkina
    Specialist in Myofunctional Therapy and Breathing
    Founder of FOCUS CLINIC
  • Polina Bogomolova
    Trendsetter in Business Psychology in Russia, No. 1 Business Psychologist in the RF
    Certified Clinical Psychologist, Strategy Coach
    Founder of a Coaching Company
  • Anna Reznichenko
    President of the SKOLKOVO ESG Club
    Member of the Board of Trustees of PRO Women
    Founder and Director of ANS-LINGUA Translation Agency
  • Irina Nikulina
    CEO of Boiron
    Member of the Board of Trustees of PRO Women
  • Daria Gordienko
    Investment Banker, Financial Consultant
    Founder and CEO of Only Finance Management Consultancies
  • Ekaterina Bespyatykh
    Time Management Ambassador in Russia
    PR Director of Faberlic
    Head of the Social Project "I am a Mom"
    TEDx Speaker
  • Svetlana Kanevskaya
    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
    Medical Director of the Israeli Clinic "Hadassah" at Skolkovo and the "Medscan" Group of Companies
*Skolkovo Women’s Forum 2024 page